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Iron Curtain Revisited

iron curtain revisited

Various Artists

IRON CURTAIN REVISITED is a tribute to the remarkable history of East European Jazz.

Several remixers have got their inspiration from the recent Crippled Dick album BETWEEN OR BEYOND THE IRON CURTAIN - we remember psychedelic extra class raregrooves and unpronouncable artist names like Karel Velebny, Zbigniew Namyslowsky, the legendary Gustav Brom, Impuls, Mahagon or the Novi Singers.

A new generation lined up to whisk the old legacy through the sound mixer. Some of the tracks are almost unrecognizable interpretations, some are very close to the original.

Fluffy, charming downbeat tracks la Baku or Les Gammas, soft and relaxed Drum & Bass by the Phoneheads and Kabuki, new creative Berlin school with Volker Meitz, Nootropika or Kasar (all Sonar Kollektiv), Nu Jazz bearing fusion elements by Joakim (Lone) from Paris (Versatile Records), Higher Than God, Orbit Experience or Zeljko Kerleta (Cosmic Sound London).

Though the project was approached in very individual ways the result is very harmonious and nevertheless exciting - jazzalectronic 2001!

cdhw049 | cd


19.90 EUR


01. Volker Meitz (Sonar Kollektiv) - Dirka s Jablky
02. Kasar (Sonar Kollektiv) - The Newcomer
03. Kabuki (Megashira/Infracom, Spectrum works) - Probuzieni
04. Joakim Lone (Versatil) - Funky dla Franki
05. Maxwell Implosion (Bungalow) - Dancing Nuts
06. Les Gammas (Compost) - Mango Boogie
07. Baku (Planet Jazz) - Bounty
08. Phoneheads (Infracom) - A Dance
09. Orbit. Experience (Pauls Musique) - Quartett
10. Higher Than God (CDHW) - Gee Whiz
11. Zeljko Kerlata - The Newcomer
12. Nootropika (Sonar Kollektiv) - Sextant


Released 2001-10-01

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